Monday, November 24, 2008

How Deep Are The Owners' Pockets??

In todays' sports world, many owners are having to make the decision of ways to cut costs, and ways to keep up with the trends of todays sports age, which are growing by leaps and bounds. While the economy goes down, the sports market stays relatively the same. "Lucchino told reporters that despite the global economic crisis he expected ''crazy competition'' for the elite free agents. He said that spending on high-end free agents would be largely unaffected by the downturn.

''I think it's a little too soon to feel the likely effects of this deep recession that the country is veering into,'' said Lucchino, whose Red Sox announced last week that they were freezing ticket prices. ''There may still be some crazy competition going on for this year's free agents.'' 

This is seemingly true. But where is this money coming from? I'd like to know how, even though there are still people going to the games, where is all of this money is coming from? What about these companies that are going bankrupt, how are they still supporting pro-teams? I know that people are still putting money in, but are they getting it out? How much are the owners willing to spend??

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pujols' Role in Futbol??

My first re-action was "reall? thats pretty sweet." But now, after re-reading it and thinking about it, I'm not too sure about how I feel about this. Truly, what would his role be? A partner who just throws in the money with no say in the team? Or do his Hispanic roots play a role? I'm not sure what to think exactly. I feel as if he should be more worried about baseball, and not the decisions that go into running a professional sports team. 

Cuban on the Inside


Mark Cuban has lost his mind. This is the worst publicity for him and the Dallas Mavericks. "Stern, who spent 10 years with the Securities and Exchange Commission, says the allegation against Cuban is particularly sensitive since he's dealing with an image-conscious professional sports league." The NBA has been in the foreground lately due to its involvements in betting and its forever frowned-upon "hip-hop" persona. 
By Cuban being involved in this accusation, he brings down the "stock" of himself and the league. This looks terrible by him while he is attempting to purchase the Cubs, and then people will also start to question where he is getting this money. IF Cuban is convicted of this accusation it will definitely be hard for him to maintain control of the Dallas Mavericks, and 100% lose his bid for the Cubs. Personally, I hope that he didn't do it, or has the charges dropped. He is a good young face for both leagues in which he is trying to be in, and I think could do some good for the MLB.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cuban and the Cubs

In todays sports world someone has to own the teams. Steinbrenner, Jones, Cuban, just a view names who are known in baseball, football and basketball respectively, not only for their teams success year in and year out, but also for the way they treat their teams. I came across this article however, and was appalled at the fact that the Major League Baseball Association won't let Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, buy the Chicago Cubs.  I think that if Cuban was allowed to buy the Cubs that he would bring more of an up-to-date persona to the franchise, just like he did with the Mavericks. Give the man a chance!! The marketing side of this would great. Even though the Cubs sell out every game, Cuban might be able to bring in more players to the team with big names, which would lead to a boost in merchandise. I don't see what the big deal is in letting him buy the team.

Monday, November 3, 2008

How Much Money Do They Really Put Towards the Team

-It's like something out of Major League (the movie that is). Truly incredible. I came across this article looking for ways in which owners spoiled their teams, giving them a reason to play, and as well as the fans to watch. Most owners are willing to spend a little money, whether its to bring in a new player that fans like, or build a new arena, or hire a new coach, they're goal is to put together a competitive franchise. This article and it's information shows a few that aren't. For instance they quote the owner of the Chicago Blackhawks as saying "don't you be thining about winning any Stanley Cups. They're too expensive." Seriously?! Why would anyone want to go and watch this team play if the owner has no expectations of trying to win in the post-season?
    I think that owners need to start looking at their teams as a fan would: which means they want them to win. Most owners are just about the money, and don't want to take away from that.