Monday, November 3, 2008

How Much Money Do They Really Put Towards the Team

-It's like something out of Major League (the movie that is). Truly incredible. I came across this article looking for ways in which owners spoiled their teams, giving them a reason to play, and as well as the fans to watch. Most owners are willing to spend a little money, whether its to bring in a new player that fans like, or build a new arena, or hire a new coach, they're goal is to put together a competitive franchise. This article and it's information shows a few that aren't. For instance they quote the owner of the Chicago Blackhawks as saying "don't you be thining about winning any Stanley Cups. They're too expensive." Seriously?! Why would anyone want to go and watch this team play if the owner has no expectations of trying to win in the post-season?
    I think that owners need to start looking at their teams as a fan would: which means they want them to win. Most owners are just about the money, and don't want to take away from that. 

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