Monday, October 20, 2008

Jerry Jones' Overextended Role as an Owner

After the past few weeks, the Dallas Cowboys' season is in jeopardy. The suspension of Adam Jones, along with their start quarterback out for the next 4 weeks, the Cowboys are truly hurting. Now most reporters would question the coach, and ask him what he is going to do about these events, and put it on his back to still lead the team. When it comes to the Cowboys however, most reporters have been questioning the owner Jerry Jones as to what he's going to do in order to keep the winning sanctity as a team. 


1 comment:

sandy said...

Like any owner, winning is #1 on the list. However, going about that goal varies by owner. I think Dallas Cowboy's owner, Jerry Jones, answered the questions regarding his team's record and coaching staff with poise and rationale. I especcially like the quote, "It really isn't about making a lot of changes people-wise, as much as it's about the change within the people," because often owners like the quick fix (firing and hiring at the drop of a hat). However, he seems to understand that it's not too late to re-analyze the situation and make adjustments within the franchise.